Wonder how prices are so low on Amazon? Yes, many items are stolen (at the time of purchase) or counterfeit, but there’s another reason: they’re bought after you buy them using stolen credit cards. In other words, they’re stolen after the ‘legit’ purchase. Recently, a retailer reported that it was being asked to ship Versace items to far off locations, only to have the credit card holder say it didn’t order them. They say their credit card was stolen. The reason the scammer ordered the goods from our indie retailer may have been that it sold the Versace items online via Amazon or another site, then used a stolen credit card to buy and have the items shipped. This is the scam that recently arrested Romanian hackers used, reports today’s Wall Street Journal.
In the WSJ article, the Romanian hacker accessed a U.S. computer and ordered a kitchen item using a stolen credit card to be shipped to the U.K. This is very much in line with what scammed retailers are reporting: domestic orders for tableware with international shipping addresses.